Caps for spray guns 

The caps for spray guns can be mounted on all types of hangrip and lever type spray guns.
The standard hole with it be supplied is Ø 1.5 mm.

Complete caps for spray gun with stainless steel nozzle

Part. code description price

a 057.0802.01  23x8x3 PVC gasket
b 057.0802.02  Brass threaded cap 25 x 1.5
c 057.0202.19  10x6x2 PVC gasket
d 057.0802.04  Brass nozzle holder pawl
e 057.0802.06  Steel nozzle threaded 7x3
- 057.0802.00


Turbo cap for spray gun

Part. code description price
g 057.0802.01  23x8x3 PVC gasket 
h 057.0802.02  Brass threaded cap 25 P. 1.5
m 057.0202.19  10x6x2 PVC gasket 
n 057.0802.07  7x3 Ø 1.5 Ceramic plate
r 057.0802.06  Brass plate holder pawl
p 057.0808.14  Plastic pawl holder turbo cap
- 057.1062.00


1 -2 -3 way curved caps

Part. code description price
1 057.0802.10  1-nozzle curved cap t.ceram.
2 057.0802.12  2-nozzles curved cap t.ceram.
3 057.0802.13  3-nozzles curved cap t.ceram.
a 057.0802.26  Brass threaded cap 22 P. 1.5
b 057.0802.24  18x3 Ø 1.5 Ceramic plate
c 057.0802.22  20x12.5x2 PVC gasket


 1.2 mm Stainless steel convejor